phaco set

“IOP set” refers to the Infusion, Ophthalmic, and Phacoemulsification set used in cataract surgery. This set includes various instruments and tools needed for the phacoemulsification procedure, such as the phaco machineinfusion lines, and ophthalmic instruments. The IOP set is essential for performing safe and effective cataract surgery with the phacoemulsification technique.

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phaco set

“IOP set” refers to the Infusion, Ophthalmic, and Phacoemulsification set used in cataract surgery. This set includes various instruments and tools needed for the phacoemulsification procedure, such as the phaco machineinfusion lines, and ophthalmic instruments. The IOP set is essential for performing safe and effective cataract surgery with the phacoemulsification technique.

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phaco set IOP

The Phaco machine is used for performing Phaco surgery (the standard and current method of cataract surgery). It is a minimally invasive, sutureless, and surface surgery that is performed under topical anesthesia drops, and it provides very good results. A 3mm incision is made on the eye, which due to its small size, does not require stitches or healing, and it recovers on its own after the surgery.

The surgeon then creates a circular opening in the very thin membrane that covers the lens, called the lens capsule, in a process called capsulorhexis. This procedure requires a very high level of precision because the thickness of the lens capsule is 4/1000 millimeters.

In the Phacoemulsification technique, ultrasonic waves are used to break the lens into smaller particles, which are then removed with a suction tube. The posterior (back) capsule of the lens remains untouched in its place for the placement of an artificial lens.

In IOP sets, the air pressure from the phaco machine‘s air pump is applied to the serum set through a tube, which increases the speed of the serum drops for injection rate regulation.

phaco set



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