The first and only specialized manufacturer of biopsy needles chiba needles aspiration needles semiautomatic needles chemotherapy port needles Spinal Needle in IRAN

we are the only manufacturer of best-in-class biopsy needles(such as: bone marrow biopsy needle, aspiration needle, semi-automatic needle, chiba needle, chemotherapy port needle) in Iran, which will be exported to our neighbors’ countries very soon.
This experience and infrastructure will make us a great partner for OEM cooperation too.

Categories of Bitamod products

Ophthaimic Instruments

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Medical Needles

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Manufactured medical needles

Chemotherapy Needle Port

The chemotherapy port needle is a lightweight and practical tool suitable for injecting a variety of chemotherapy drugs
through the percutaneous.

Automatic Biopsy Needle

An automatic biopsy needle is a tool for sampling a variety of soft tissues in the body. an automatic needle is used for
liver biopsy, kidney biopsy,  etc.
سوزن تمام اتوماتیک

Bone Marrow Biopsy Needle

Bone marrow biopsy needles (Jamshidi needles), named after Professor Khosrow Jamshidi in honor of its inventor, are used
to sample patients’ bone marrow biopsies.

Aspiration Needle

Aspiration biopsy needle is used to sample bone marrow fluid in children and infants. Sometimes an aspiration needle is also used to inject medicine.

Aspiration Needle

A huge change in the country's medical industry

Learn more about Bitamed company

Founded in 2009 Bitamed holding started with general surgery equipment in Mashhad, over time we grow our business and up to now we have worked with several top brands on different medical field.Also Bitamed is the only manufacturer of Biopsy needles comparable with top brands all over the words.

Quality of Products

In the medical industry, the high quality of products is doubly important, and with this way of thinking, we at Bitamed have made every effort to launch the best and highest quality products.

Cheap Price

The existence of high-quality products has not caused the price of our products to increase. Therefore, you can have the best and highest quality medical equipment at a low cost.

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